The conversion of ADP to ATP using light energy
Photophosphorylation is a stage in photosynthesis in which ADP is converted to ATP using sunlight energy.
Note that, in photophosphorylation, 2 ATPs are produced
This process is fundamental in maintaining a stable energy level in our eco-system.
A. Early signs of life on earth
The Hadean, before the Archean, is the first geologic eon of Earth. It began with the formation of the Earth about 4600 million years ago and ended 4,000 million years ago. The planet had just formed and was still very hot due to high volcanism, a partially molten surface. Some geologists labels the period before the earliest-known rocks on Earth. At the end of it much cooler surface temperature and the formation of solid rock enabled to flaurish the life.
1) appearance of beard and moustache
2) broadening of chest and shoulders
3) changing of voice into a more grave one
The same way we never inject a full bag of anything quickly and intravenously. Your body would not be able to compensate for the amount of the substance. Alcohol or more importantly the Ethanol or Ethyl Alcohol in alcoholic beverages is the active ingredient of such beverages. It is also a drug called a CNS (Central Nervous System) depressant which means it is in the same class category of Opioids (Such as Heroin and Morphine) and Barbiturates (Rophynol). Your body processes alcohol via the liver, as it is also considered a toxin. By consuming a massive amount of alcohol without spacing it out, you will overload your system, not only literally overwhelming your liver and causing Alcohol Poisoning, but you also can go into a state similar to a Heroin overdose.