When the concentration o molecules inside a cell is different form the concentration of molecules outside a cell, we can either call it hypertonic or a hypotonic solution, and the difference between the two concentrations is called a concentration gradient.
Hypertonic - name given to a solution that has a bigger concentration than the concentration in a cell.
Hypotonic - name give nto a solution that has a smaller concentration than the concentration in a cell.
Hope it helped,
The early hominid stages can be differentiated from one another based on the complexity of the tools used by these species. The tool evolved along with the evolution of the humans. The more the hominids evolved by more complex their tools became. The tools made by the earliest hominids were used to fish out the termites. These tool developed and became more widely used as the humans evolved.
Hence, the answer is 'by observing the complexity of the tools'.
Passive transport is a movement ofbiochemicals and other atomic or molecularsubstances across cell membranes without need of energy input. Unlike active transport, it does not require an input of cellular energy because it is instead driven by the tendency of the system to grow in entropy. The rate of passive transport depends on thepermeability of the cell membrane, which, in turn, depends on the organization and characteristics of the membrane lipids andproteins. The four main kinds of passive transport are simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, filtration and osmosis.
If a molecule consists of 2 or more elements its a compound.
The cells analyzed might be a mosaic of different genomes
The human genome in every cell might not be the same and could give us some misrepresentation of what really happens on our genome. Chromosomal abnormalities are also a very common phenomena to be observed in human cells. For those differences in the genome of the child the test might have identified some altered cells with a type of chromosomal abnormality which was not latter identified or the abnormal cell might be also eliminated by its abnormal nature.