The characteristics is its divisibility: money can be divided into smaller parts and the sum of those parts has the same value as the original money. Here we see that different people have the same amount of money in different forms.
Other characteristics of money are its durability, transportability and the resistance to being faked.
C. To enforce property rights
Government intervention in market can be non materistically via regulation , materistically via taxes & subsidy.
Although the second materislistic way of tax, subsidy comes under the perview of 'Government Budget' .
Government budget is anual financial statement showing economy's expected revenue & expenditure .
Economic growth & stability by reallocation of resources , reducing income inequalities - reflect 'efficiency' & 'equity' as valid reasons .
Foreign protection is also not invalid depending upon the initial budding stage of a developing economy & its global stand. Eg - India 1950 to 1990 .
However all these are progressive legitimate reason for govt. Intervention .
But , enforcing property rights is a feature of 'socialistic (communistic) economy - which has its own demerits like loss of consumers soveireignity , lack of postive competitive efficiency , govt overburden.