B. advice givers
they have ability to stimulate interaction without bias, Skill to create and maintain a safe environment for all to be engaged in the discussion.
they both are smart of how they did that stuff and subbed to TeamS3P
i say a living cell
what about you?
Steroids pass into a cell's nucleus, bind to specific receptors and genes and trigger the cell to make proteins. Amino acid derivatives, such as epinephrine, are water-soluble molecules derived from amino acids (the building blocks of protein). These hormones are stored in endocrine cells until needed.
Are hormones living cells?
Hormones are chemicals that are released by cells that affect other cells in the body. Hormones are transported in the bloodstream and act as chemical messengers. ... A hormone, which is an organic product of living cells, regulates specific cellular activities, such as reproduction and growth.
Katrina learned about curling by watching and focusing on the techniques used by the olympic players. By watching so much, she learned the movements and basic rules of the game. This is an example of visual learning which is also cognitive learning :-)