<span>The protocell's fatty acid membrane allows chemical compounds, including the building blocks of DNA, to enter into the cell without the assistance of the protein channels and pumps required by today's highly developed cell membranes</span>
It decreases the population of certain animals
A good conclusion in a research paper restates the hypothesis so that reader can see the value of argument which either defends or criticizes the hypothesis. If it's a long paper it's a good idea to restate the hypothesis in the conclusion. This reminds the user of the hypothesis and draws the paper together. It also revisits the hypothesis and can provide new insight into the hypothesis. Another reason for restating the hypothesis in the conclusion is to pose questions and open the door for future research.
homo sapiens ,living organism's
Gan đóng vai trò trung tâm trong mọi quá trình trao đổi chất trong cơ thể. Trong quá trình chuyển hóa chất béo, các tế bào gan phân hủy chất béo và tạo ra năng lượng. Chúng cũng sản xuất khoảng 800 đến 1.000 ml mật mỗi ngày.