C. H+ ions do not accumulate inside the thylakoid, so ATP synthase makes too little ATP.
Plant withering refers to the virtual death of plant cells due to lack of food. During the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis, ATP needed for the synthesis of sugar (food) is created in the thylakoid membrane of the CHLOROPLAST of plant cells.
In the light-dependent reaction, hydrogen ions (H+) builds up/accumulate in the thylakoid lumen to create an electrochemical or proton gradient i.e. a difference in the concentration of H+ ions across the membrane. The hydrogen ions passes through a protein complex called ATP synthase, which forms ATP from ADP (by adding phosphate group), from the energy generated by the electrochemical gradient formed as a result of hydrogen in (H+) build up.
Hence, a plant that possess leaky membrane due to the cold temperature will likely wither because H+ ions are not able to accumulate inside the thylakoid causing a proton gradient, so ATP synthase makes too little ATP.
Answer No 2:
c c
C Cc Cc
c cc cc
The genotype of the offsprings would be Cc, Cc, cc, cc i.e heterozygous cleft chin and no cleft chin. The phenotype of the offsprings could be 50% cleft chin and 50% without cleft chin.
there will be 50% chance of the child to have cleft chin.
Answer No 3:
A a
A Aa Aa
a Aa aa
There will be 25% chance for the offspring to have arched feet. As arched feet is a recessive trait, so for this trait to occur both the alleles of the gene should be recessive i.e aa.
Answer No 4:
B b
b Bb bb
b Bb bb
As blonde is a recessive trait, so both the alleles for this gene should be recessive for this trait to occur. Hence, according to the punnet square, there will be 50% chance for the offspring to be blonde.
Answer No 5:
F f
f Ff ff
As normal vision is a resessive trait, hence both the alleles of the gene should be recessive for the trait to occur. According to the punnet square, there is 25% chance that the child will have normal vision.
<em>The labels <u>I-VII</u> represent the different stages of primary succession. I-bare rocks, II-pioneers (mosses, lichen, algae, fungi), III-annual herbaceous plants, IV-perennial herbaceous plants and grasses, V-shrubs, VI-shade intolerant trees, VII-shade tolerant trees.</em>
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Exposure to a virus is closely related to the development of immunity, since the immune system is responsible for creating antibodies in response to the presence of potentially harmful biological agents, such as these viruses.
Viruses are biological agents that can produce diseases when they enter the body of a living being.<u> In response to contact with a virus, the</u><u> immune system</u><u> synthesizes specific </u><u>antibodies</u> to combat the foreign biological agent.
Antibody immunity can be of two types. It is fast when it is mediated by immunoglobulins M (IgM), which attack the virus anywhere, while the late and prolonged response is due to the development of immunoglobulins G (IgG).
An example of immunity to a virus occurs with the exhibition to the virus of the Dengue, that creates permanent immunity to the viral serotype to which an individual is exposed.
The acquired immunity, mediated by antibodies, is the base for the development of vaccines.