Let's think about the denominators we have. A seventh goes on forever in no specified order. A fifth an a fourth have set decimal values, 0.2 and 0.25, so they are not repeating decimals. A ninth is 0.111111..., it repeats like this forever in a specified order. Therefore, 2/9, or 0.222222...., would be a repeating decimal.
Therefore, our answer is
I hope this helps!
If you draw the line and mark -2 and 3 you find that they are 5 apart. By calculation, subtract the lowest from the highest: 3 - -2 = 3+2 = 5
The line AB is a tangent of the circle with center C.
6 blooms
Step-by-step explanation:
40 x 15%
40 x 0.15 = 6