Tang Code, The Tang Code is, however, the earliest Chinese legal code that we have in its complete form. The Tang Code served as a model for all subsequent dynastic codes of law, including those of the Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties.
C geosphere
Hydrosphere is realted to water, biosphere is related to living organisms, & atmosphere realtes to air that surrounds us.
"Geo-" relates to the earth.
The Schlieffen Plan's strategy required that France be defeated swiftly – but this didn't happen. That failure led to sustained trench warfare on the Western Front. In those grim battles of attrition, such as the Battle of the Somme and the Battle of Verdun, Allied forces ultimately outnumbered the Germans
However, more than 70% of all immigrants reached New York City, which became known as the "Golden Door." Most immigrants arriving in New York came to the Castle Garden depot near the tip of Manhattan in the late 1800s.
Translation please so i can help lok