Answer: Names can represent a family line generation. Names can be passed on from generation to generation. Like if someone were to have a name give to them from their ×3 great grand mother then that can be a part of who you are and your heritage. Heritage means to be inherited, so if your name was passed down into you then that is a part of who you are.
Explanation: Think of this, if heritage means to be inherited (passed on) then that means that names can be your heritage and and can be a significant part of who you are. I hope this helped!!
<span>Science Fiction.
Both Jules Verne and H.G. Wells are both noted for "Scientific romance" stories, with Verne publishing romance adventures using current or near future technology. Some of the stories would be "Journey to the Center of the Earth", "From the Earth to the Moon", "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea", and others. Wells, however used science to make commentaries on current society and glosses over the science. But of the list of available genres, science fiction is the most apparent commonality between two historical and influential authors.</span>