Answer: Ambiguity aversion
In economics and decision theory in general, ambiguity aversion refers to the preference for known risks over unknown risks. This means that in a scenario in which there´s an option in which probable outcomes are unknown, people would rather choose an option in which probable outcomes are known.
No to be confused with risk aversion, which only applies to situations where each probable outcome can be established.
Marketing and propaganda are all based upon cultural values. They are meant to sell and to promote people to buy. It is not necessarily unetical to use strategies to suggest people into buying things. The archetips, which are certain images valued in society are used in this type of marketing.
Language and images are a way of manipulation, and commerce uses both to sell.
It is not unetical to try to convince someone to buy something using certain persuavie methods. It is not unetical becasue whitening products are not harmful to society. When propaganda was for instance used to sell the war during first and second world war, that has unetical. It was so because it could harm people.
It is unetical if what people are promoting cause real harm into society. If not people should not let themselves be manipulate into buying everything. It is both the producer and the consumer that have to be responsable, both with how they sell and people of what they beileve and what the choose to consume.
<span>Rachel and matt are in their first year of middle school. statistically, one would expect their academic achievement to "decline".
Student performance is identified with inspiration to learn. As inspiration for the most part decays amid lower secondary education, one may anticipate that execution will decrease too during this period. However, it has been misty whether this example exists. In the present examination, we inspected student performance amid the early years of secondary education from a formative point of view.
Irene had an appropriate death. She resolved all the things that were pending in her life, accepted that death comes for all and move on with no weight in conscience or remorse, until the end of her life. For this reason, he took the initiative to make peace with his sister, take control of his remaining time, and face death appropriately and honorably. Only then could she truly rest in peace.
Marcus Aurelius
This is known historical fact