In World War I, hand grenades were also known as “hand bombs.” The general philosophy for their use in the fighting armies was that grenades could kill the enemy underground or behind cover. ... Offensive grenades used concussion, or shock-waves, to wound, while defensive grenades exploded, scattering shell fragments.
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Cost shifting is defined as the process where using of excess revenues from one set of services or patients to subsidize other services or patient groups.
Answer: Option C
The main process where a health institute or a hospital gives service to the patient and if the patient is charged more than that of what is noted on the bill than the following process is called as Cost Shifting. And this situation is occurred with the patient who have health insurance.
The most obvious motives advanced for the socio-economic causes of Xenophobia are unemployment, poverty and inadequate or lack of service delivery which are mostly politically attributed. Unemployment constitutes a social problem pertaining to a situation of not having a job.
Those are the main impacts of xenophobia in a community