During a chemical reaction, some of the basic signs that a chemical reaction is occurring is a color change and heat / light also burning . You can clearly see these changes happening
But changes in volume is a physical property, not a chemical.
I hope this helps!
What gives the athlete action are the waves of chemical and electrical charges. These charges move along the neuron and when the nerve impulses, the electrical charges across the cell membrane reverses and charges high speeds. The environmental and behavioral factors which led to Joseph's dehydration event are: For one, FLORIDA. Forget it being August and still hot. It's January, 80 degrees during winter are you kidding me?! On a serious note, the hot and dry weather caused extreme heating in Joseph's body and the loss of water in his bloodstream via sweat, this in combination with strenuous physical work during his three hour game. His inability to rehydrate caused him to experience symptoms of heat illness: dehydration, muscle pain and cramping The opening of the potassium and sodium gate was caused by the brief bonding in the motor end plate. When these two are open in the same duration, End Plate potential is present. The adjoining muscle regions are stimulated to create action potential instead of actually creating the action potential. With the lack of sodium because of the sweating with no rehydration, the sodium gate didnt open right and thats where the imbalance occurs.The gates opened at different times and caused Joseph's cramping.
During telophase in mitosis or meiosis II, where chromosomes which were previously distinct and condensed, de-condense and spread out into a tangle of chromatin. At the same time, the nuclear envelope re-forms around each cluster of chromosomes in each of the daughter cells, and spindle fibres disintegrate.
Chromosomes are unlikely to de-condense and spread out into a tangle of chromatin during telophase I (i.e. Telophase of Meiosis I), since Meiosis is still ongoing, and the genetic material should be in its condensed form during Meiosis II as well.
Hope this helps! :)
Snakes can live up to 9 years. They slither up to 18 mph. Snakes are reptiles that are elongated, limbless, and carnivorous. Another interesting thing about snakes is that they don’t have eyelids. The last fact is that snakes can open there mouths up to 150 degrees so they can swallow there prey.