cause it's on the map,and it is not far away from mexico
Macon Bill of 1810 is what Napoleon used to trap President Madison into declaring was against England!
Using the method of bob 38 , you can pemdas then subract the foundation
Machiavelli believes that good laws follow naturally from a good military. His famous statement that “the presence of sound military forces indicates the presence of sound laws” describes the relationship between developing states and war in The Prince.
The draft system used to work a bit differently than it does now but the key principles are that youth affects the draft since those in their 20s almost always get drafted. As soon as a person turns 18 they have to sign up for the draft and usually older people don't participate in the war.
When it comes to the socioeconomic status, the draft usually was focused on those from poor backgrounds or from the working class. Upper class members would rarely get drafted for war unless they wanted to get drafted personally. For example, if you're at a university there is a lower chance of getting drafted than if you only had finished high-school.
Americans did many things to avoid getting drafted. Some even participated in public protesting and hid from the police that would take them to get drafted, going as far as to hiding in a different country. Others wanted to make it a symbolic thing and would burn their draft books publicly as a sign of protest. The people who avoided getting drafted were known as draft dodgers.