The answer is dusk and dawn.
Crepuscular animals are active during twilight (latin crepusculum). Twilight is a period after dawn and before dusk, so crepuscular animals want to avoid dusk and dawn. Animals' activity in different periods during the day depends on temperature or other biotic factors. It also depends on predators' activities or local competition.
Commensalism is when one organism benefits and the other doesn't benefit and is also not harmed. The tree is helping the orchid and the orchid isn't benefiting or harming the tree.
E. It takes a picture of the brain according to oxygen levels. More oxygen in an area indicates more activity in that area.
Haemoglobin is diamagnetic when oxygenated but paramagnetic when deoxygenated. This distinction in magnetic characteristics leads to tiny variations in the blood MR signal. Since blood oxygenation differs, these variations can be used to identify brain activity depending on the concentrations of neural activity.
Catalase is an enzyme used to accelerates chemical reactions in the human body. The performance of an enzyme depends on the pH levels. Catalase performs best at the optimum pH of 7. However, it weakens or denatures at pH levels above 10 though the range may differ on other species.
<span>The question is asking us to fill in the gaps in the following sentence: When a person loses consciousness due to a head injury from a car crash, the (gap) keeps the body functioning by regulating the flow of information between the brain and the rest of the body. The best answer is that the gap should be filled by "autonomous nervous system" - this system is the one that is not controlled consciously, but one that is working in the background to make sure our body functions work properly.</span>