Absolute Dating
We can learn about the past by studying the present.
The Principle of Uniformitarianism states that current geological processes are the same processes that were at work in the past. This principle was proposed by Charles Lyell in the 1800's
Absolute Dating
Involves finding the absolute age (actual age) of a rock or fossil.
Elements that emit particles and energy are radioactive.
As radioactive elements emit particles and energy, they form new isotopes or elements.
nCoV is often used to indicate a newly recognized coronavirus prior to definitive identification and classification. It is sometimes used in combination with the year of identification.
Precipitation, because water is released from the clouds back to Earth
-Water in the atmosphere is found in clouds and water vapor. Slowly the entire atmosphere circulates around the planet. When weather is created one of the most common results is precipitation.
- Precipitation is the process of water condensing in the atmosphere. It could be rain, snow, drizzle, fog, dew, or hail.