The answer is below
The are various reasons people had for not sending girls to school. Some of which were:
1. Schools would hinder them from doing their household chores, such as sweeping, washing, and cooking.
2. Schools would expose them to public places without the guidance of their parents. For example, moving through public places to reach school.
3. Some believed schools would take girls away from home and thereby, they might lose them to societal dangers.
Writing a constitution mirrored white society, and was an attempt to help Cherokees be accepted by whites.
What is the timeline of the Roman Empire?
The history of the Roman Empire can be divided into three distinct periods: The Period of Kings (625-510 BC), Republican Rome (510-31 BC), and Imperial Rome (31 BC – AD 476).
President Kwaniewski lead Poland in its drive to become part of a broader European community when he made peace with the United States.
Yes, if you have your passport and file a visa