The Louisiana Purchase significantly increased the size of the United States, which began the expansion of the country towards the West. It also laid the groundwork for the Civil War as the new territories took sides in the heated slavery debate.
The Louisiana Purchase covered a large area, from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River, and it cost the U.S. $15 million. Native Americans were already living in the area at the time. However, much of the land was sold cheaply to pioneers for farming, opening up the country. It also eventually played a role in the start of the Civil War as the adding of new territories contributed to the struggle for control between the North and South. The addition of new states and territories, which were included in the attempt to make compromises on slavery, increased conflict and eventually led to war breaking out.
The message of Teddy Roosevelt to the congress in 1901 was an indication of his eagerness to use the powers of the constitution of the federal government. The speech dealt with the power of big businesses and the public welfare. He pointed out that an individual contribution or capacity to the Nation that cannot be taken away.
He stated that the fundamentally the welfare of each citizen must rest upon individual thrift and energy, resolution, and intelligence. He stated that growth of entities such as corporations were due to the growth of the country and great industrial centres which resulted in a growth of wealth for individuals as was seen as hurtful to the welfare of the nation by American people.
The company sold stock, created an expedition, and profited from the expedition.