those poor Esgaroth people. Assuming Erebor is mainly composed of Volcanic igneous rock, I'm guessing that Smaug's fire is cooler than 1200 degC, since he didn't melt the tunnel the Dwarves were hiding in. Most minerals that comprise igneous rock begin to become molten before temperatures reach ~1200 degC.
Answer: no
Explanation: I think that reality TV is important.
From his early childhood, Nathan was bursting with creativity and
uncontainable energy, struggling not only with learning issues but also
with anxiety and OCD. He saw the world through his own unique lens—one
that often caused him to be labeled as “bad,” “troubled,” or someone in
need of “fixing.”
I sure hope this helps if not A then B
1. The play ended tragically but predictably.
2. We could see every star and planet clearly.
3. Being wise and cautious are what we need most.
4. Carrie is a true friend, a patient teacher, and a talented artist.
5. The forest has suffered unintentional harm, but will now benefit from our intended kindness.
i made the phrases have parallel structure!