Answer:D) overconfidence
Explanation:Overconfidence (effect)
The overconfidence effect occurs when our subjective confidence in our own capability is greater that the actual or objective performance.
This means a person is so confident in a way that they measure their capabilities beyond what they can actual do in reality. A person doesn't take into account the effect of reality in their actions. A person doesn't consider some other facts or aspects that may come their way to actual create a setback in what they are planning. This is seen in planning fallacy when a person overestimate the times it would take them to finish a task , they do this by not considering that in everything we do they may be some delays or stumbling blocks we may have to face and deal with that may even affect our decision or planning.
Answer:In this case, Monique has OVERCOME FUNCTIONAL FIXEDNESS.
Functional fixedness is how we tend to Psychological focus only on the common function of an object without opening up to its other possible use.
Functionality fixedness is one issue that hinder us from being innovative because
Monique didn't focus on the common use of a shredder but she opened up his mind to consider other possible use for it apart from its common use which means she came out of a fixed mind about the functionality of a shredder and was able to use the shredded junk mail confetti for her glassware.
"People say nothing is impossible, I do nothing everyday"
Social change bring two types of changes one is positive change, which helps human life. Other type is negative in direction for which man show his resistance.