This sounds like a Revenue this is typically collected through taxes.
Religious freedom and an escape from Great Britain
I think that solitary confinement is not a cruel and unusual punishment because it keeps some other prisoners safe from them and prevents them from harming them or others.
Baumrind's parenting styles consist of four different types of parenting styles including Authoritative, Permissive, Uninvolved, and Authoritarian.
Indulgent-parenting style: The indulgent-parenting style is also referred to as permissive, lenient, non-directive, and libertarian parenting. It is described as parents having only a few behavioral expectations with their child. These parents are very involved with the child and possesses fewer demands from the child i.e, high responsiveness and low demands.
In the question above, Christie employs the indulgent-parenting style of Baumrind's parenting styles.
In propositional logic, this sentence can be symbolized as pVq.
Propositional logic deals with propositions being true or false. Basic logical connectives are AND, OR, NOT. "OR" is a disjunction connective, symbolized by "V"
The symbols p and q refer to propositions or statements that are connected together to make a compound statement. Connecting two statements with or is a disjunction. In a disjunction, the compound statement is true if and only if statement p OR statement q OR both statements are true. The compound statement is false if and only if statement p AND statement q are both false.
In the example above, the statement "disembodied spirits exist" is statement p, while the statement "psychic hoaxes are rampant" is statement q.