Yes, rumors, superstitions, or propaganda can replace reason with irrational hysteria when groups of people get together because <u>reason gets undermined when a particular rumor, superstition or propaganda is believed by the majority.</u>
This can be seen in many past as well present instances where baseless claims or propaganda have swept people in great confusion and misunderstanding.
When groups of people start to believe in a particular rumor, superstition or propaganda, <u>the society as a whole eventually start to accept them as facts</u>. Also commonly known as mass hysteria, the general masses fail to reason with facts and create a hostile environment around them.
One of the many examples would be the Soviet propaganda in U.S during the Cold War ear which have caused mass hysteria among the citizens of the country.
Rodion is poverty stricken for the narrator tells us that he was in huge debt to his landlady, dressed shabbily and that he was 'crushed by poverty'.
He did not have a care about his looks for his heart was full of hatred and spiteful contempt for the outside world.
The character of Rodion is from Fyodor Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment". He is shown as a poor ex- law student in need of money who commits a crime t fund his educational purposes.
We can know Rodion is "<em>poverty stricken</em>" by the way the writer had written in the very first chapter of the book. The narrator states "<em>He was hopelessly in debt to his landlady</em>" and that "<em>He was crushed by poverty</em>". Such was his condition, which we again see in the later lines "<em>He was so badly dressed that even a man accustomed to shabbiness would have been ashamed to be seen in the street in such rags</em>".
He wasn't bothered at all to wear his shabby clothes outside as he has too much of contempt and spite for the outside world. The narrator tells us that he had "<em>accumulated bitterness and contempt in the young man’s heart, that, in spite of all the fastidiousness of youth, he minded his rags least of all in the street</em>".
A word(s) had been left out
All of the above
Ellipsis are series of dots which can be placed at any position in the sentence.
These three dots can stand in for whole sections of text that are omitted that do not change the overall meaning. The dots can also indicate a mysterious or unfinished thought, a leading sentence, or a pause or silence. This punctuation is also referred to as a suspension point, points of ellipsis, periods of ellipsis.
The answer to this question is A
The percent gain is a 30% increase. You know this because if you need to add 3/10 to get from 5/10 to 8/10.