Environmental factors typically activate genes in a cell by causing the cell to transcribe specific DNA segments to mRNA for translation.
This interaction is an example of environmental factors affecting <u><em>genetic expression</em></u>. In these situations, the environment causes specific segments of DNA to be expressed, meaning they are transcribed to mRNA and subsequently used to form proteins.
Meanwhile, other parts of the genome remain or are forced to be silent. This can be a result of mutations or simple biochemical reactions between the environment and the genome.
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Each one has two fatty acid chains and the glycerol backbone is bonded to a small polar group.
Phospholipid is a unique form of lipid. The bonding of the glycerol backbone to the polar phosphate group makes phospholipid to have dual solubility unlike general triglycerides.
The polar head is said to be hydrophillic that is <u>water loving,</u> while the two carbon chains that retained lipid features are hydrophobic <u>water hating.</u>
Therefore if a phopholipid is placed in water, in relation to its functions as component of cell membrane, it forms a bi-layer in which the water loving portion hydrophilic head points into the surrounding watery medium, while the hydrophobic layer points inwards far away from the watery medium into the internal cellular layer to form an impermeable barrier to hydrophilic (polar) substances.
This forms the basis of the phospholipd bilayer of the cell membrane. And it controls the permeability of the cell membrane to influx substances into the cells.
The vaccine that may be administered to him at 14 years old is a dose of tetanus toxoid as this can present as pain from injection site. Since there is nothing said about the number of doses that he received, the patient should receive Tdap (tetanus, diphteria, and acellular pertussis) as stated from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention guideline for tetanus.