1. Adaptive radiation: A pattern of evolution in which slightly different species evolve from one common ancestor.
2. Coevolution: A pattern of evolution in which two species evolve in relation to each other.
3. Convergent evolution: A pattern of evolution in which similar characteristics evolve between two unrelated species.
4. Divergent evolution: A pattern of evolution in which very different species evolve from one common ancestor.
5. Gradualism: A theory of evolution that states that a species evolves by consistent, small, steps.
6. Punctuated equilibrium: A theory of evolution that states that a species evolves in spurts of rapid change and then no change.
It is also one of the world's most important commercial waterways and one of North America's great migration routes for both birds and fishes. Native Americans lived along its banks and used the river for sustenance and transportation.
Answer: Option C.
Tundra is a biome that has low Precipitation. Precipitation is a form of water that fall from the atmosphere to the Earth surface. Which could be inform of snow, sleet e.t.c.
Tundra is the coldest of all types of biomes. It has low temperature, little precipitation,low nutrients. It is located near the north Pole of the Earth. It is characterized by permafrost, permanent frozen layer on its surface.
A natural resources necessary for producion are safeguarded
B. An increase in gene flow between the bird populations.