Conversely, when sinkholes<span> become plugged, they can cause flooding by capturing surface-water flow and can create new wetlands, ponds, and lakes. Most of </span>Florida<span>is </span>prone to sinkhole<span> formation because it is under- lain by thick carbonate deposits that are </span>susceptible<span> to dissolution by circulating ground water.</span>
Council of Trent, 19th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church, held in three ... dogmatic definitions that clarified virtually every doctrine contested by Protestants. ... It served to define Catholic doctrine and made sweeping decrees on ... As the council opened, some bishops urged for immediate reform, and others ...
Answer uwu <3:
A dispute between President Harry S. Truman and General Douglas MacArthur in 1951, during the Korean War. MacArthur, who commanded the troops of the United Nations, wanted to use American air power to attack the People's Republic of China. Truman refused, fearing that an American attack on China would bring the Soviet Union into the war. When MacArthur criticized Truman's decision publicly, Truman declared MacArthur insubordinate and removed him as commanding general. MacArthur returned to the United States, received a hero's welcome, and told Congress. “Old soldiers never die, they only fade away.”
1. William Jennings Byran 2. William McKinley 3. William Jennings Bryan
Answer :Because it can kill u im many years
Explanation: watch the tv youll see