1. Beo wulf- E) The brave warr ior who travels across the seas to fight the mon ste r .
2. Hrot hg ar- B) The king of Danes who is broken after the ma ss acre at He rot .
3. Grend el- A) The fierce monster that is terror izing Denm ark
4. Hyg el ac- D) King and Lord of Beo wulf and his men .
5. Wul fgar- C) The wise old man of Denmark who remembers Be owulf’s father .
In the epic "Beo wulf", the story revolves around the theme of nobility, bravery and good over evil along the lines of heroism. The epic narrative tells the story of the hero Beow ulf's acts of bravery in fighting the monster Gren del and thus save the kingdom of Denmark from being terroriz ed .
Beo wu lf is the brave warrior who had came to the land of the Dan es in an offer to help them get rid of the te rror izi ng mo n ster Grendel. Hr oth gar was the king of Den mark at that time, who fon dly reme mbers Be ow ulf's father's promise of allegi ance to him . H yg e lac was the uncle and king of Beowulf who had welcomed Beowulf back with open arms after his defeat of the mo nst e r. And lastly, Wu lfg ar was the faithful local chieft ain/ tha ne of king Hr oth gar who had met Beo wulf at the entrance be fore their mee ting with the Dani sh king.