Reading, doing crafts and playing video games
The point the narrator is making when she says that Molly and Clarissa are both the same age is an imagery which shows that the old woman represents dance which takes away the bias against age.
In "Dancer" by Vickie Sears, Clarissa is a five year old foster girl from Assiniboin tribe. the narrator is the foster mother of Clarissa. Clarissa had been to different foster care homes, she had a hard life and she was always angry and had no love. Then after seeing Molly Graybull dance, Clarissa was mesmerized and found passion in dancing. Her character starts to improve and she started becoming more social.
Dancing made Clarissa happy and she felt like she has found her roots and inner piece. she was only five years old and Molly was seventy years old but they danced like they were both same age.
frightening fiends
My best friend, who I'll call "Frankie" for this, have been buddies for three or four years now. We've gotten to the point where we don't care if we know secrets about each other, and we don't care if we drink out of the same glass. Every time we hang out, there's nothing specific we do. We just...exist together. Sometimes we don't even talk, and that's okay. An example of this is one of the days we had gone to the dollar store down the street from each of our houses and spent all of our money on random little things. We went back to his house, went down into his basement, and recorded an episode of our own podcast. Nobody knows about the podcast, and nobody but us listens to it, and it's great! He fell asleep before me, and I stayed awake until the sun came up. I was just messing around on my computer and drinking one of the Arizona teas I bought until the sun came up. He woke up, we ate breakfast, and then I went home. A normal day and night for us, but it was worth it. We enjoyed ourselves, and in the end, that's all that matters.
Yes, I believe Abigail Williams is the catalyst for the witch-hunts trials of 1692 that devastated the Salem community of Massachusetts because of Abigail Williams accusation of their neighbors in the act of witchcraft. About one to two hundred people in the Salem area have been imprisoned, twenty-four were executed and fifty-five falsely admitted to the act of witchcraft so we can conclude that Abigail Williams was considered the catalyst in witch hunt trials.