No, he was not hypocritical because he didn't allow slavery. With or without it, it wouldn't have had a big impact on his life so he didn't do it because it helped himself. He did because he had the kindness of heart.
Example of Indonesian Sundanese meal; ikan bakar (roasted fish), nasi timbel (rice wrapped in banana leaf), ayam goreng (fried chicken), sambal, fried tempeh and tofu, and sayur asem; the bowl of water with lime is kobokan.
Carmen have anxious/ambivalent attachment style, in which person who always want proof of love in relationship, in such attachment person want care, consistent attention and promises in relationship. such person have skeptic nature and always want to verify the loyalty and love of other person in relationship.
Answers in Explanation
naajp -- Japan
nahci -- China
niooglam -- Mongolia
ushto kaore -- South Korea
nawait -- Taiwan
ohomseuong -- Homogenous