The correct answer is:
Confirmation bias
In psychology, the confirmation bias concept is used in order to describe the group of beliefs that people may have without a solid scientific base as reliable fact about a certain topic. It is normally a trend that leads people to believe and confirm certain pre-established theories leading them to increase or reassert their misconceptions.
Thank you for posting your question here. It can be considered to be consistent with the given facts. As you know, an hypothesis, much less a theory, is never proven. It can be shown to be consistent with given observations. As new observations are collected, the given hypothesis may have to be modified.
If the celery became crisp when it was soaked in ice water, then clearly that the water has rehydrated the celery is a reasonable hypothesis. But did it have to be ice cold water? Would room temperature water work? What about boiling water?
And thus most of the time, the success of an hypothesis leads to the design of new experiments to test and expand the original hypothesis.
C - habituation.
As the exercise explains, when an infant is repeatedly faced or exposed to a visual stimulus, their interest wanes and look away or refuse looking sooner. This decrease in the infant's responsiveness is called habituation. So, in other words, this is a process in which a response decreases as it's exposure is longer or becomes more repeated. There are times where the response is to completely ignore it. To add another example, it could happen that we have or work with a noisy air conditioner. At first we might hear it all the time but, after some time, we would hear it less often, and then less frequently, and then we might even ignore it's complete existance.