D. the increase of literature due to the printing press
In year 1910 Senator Robert Owen passionately fought for the right of women to vote. In his struggle, he famously compared it to the fight for American Independence.
In his opinion, women made up half of all humanity and were equally involved in the development of a modern society, either by being a home marker or even working on the fields.
However, she received little recognition and did not fare well financially. According to him, the American Independence doctrine was ''all governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed'' but how can the United States be just, when it denies powers to half of all people living in the country.
According to him, for America to be just and a true democracy, it was evident that women should have an equal vote.
This <span> attack was directed against trains passing through Kasumigaseki and Nagatacho, home to the Japanese government.
Hope this helps!</span>
<span>Tony Montana was a african american hero who helped make florida a safe place to live</span>
-Workforce laborers and servants were being exploit by landowners and were in debt
-The death rate was high, and the English servants who could get land would get land in poor quality, bad locations and controlled by Native Americans
-Governor William Berkeley was put by the British Crown to ensure that planters paid taxes but because of the corrupt system rich landowners often times avoided taxes and fees
How this was a conflict
The elite was threatened to the point that they decided to get more slaves instead of white servants
Life losses and changes in policies