Answer: Hey There! ^^
The reaction that causes a firework to explode requires less energy to start, and occurs more rapidly than the reaction that causes a candle to burn
! ^^
The age of oceanic bedrock on either side of a mid-ocean ridge is supporting evidence that at the ridges, tectonic plates are Diverging
The underwater mountain range is the mid oceanic ridge, which were formed as a result of plate tectonics. when the convection current goes up in the mantle present beneath the oceanic crust results in the uplifting of the ocean floor.
Which leads to the formation of the tectonic plates through magma, that meet at divergent boundaries. The density and the age and the thickness of these oceanic crust increases due to the distance from the ridges. The mid oceanic ridges has been split on two sides as matching stripes
Argyroneta aquatica because it is the only species of spider that lives entirely uder water
The plant belongs to the group Angiosperm. Vascular plants with seeds could be cycads, Gingko, conifers, or angiosperms. Among those groups, only angiosperms have flowers.
The plant they found have colored, scented flowers which suggests that it could be pollinated by insects or birds. Colored flowers attract birds and insects. Color serves as a guiding mark. Talking of scent, it does not attract bird, but attracts insects. It also serves as the guiding mark.