On a train in Denver, a couple of men handcuffed together board. There is a very nice lady who happens to know one of the handcuffed men. The pair sit across from the nice lady who asks if the man remembers her. The lady is very scared when she sees the handcuffs but he explains to her that he is the Marshall and is transporting the prisoner to Leavenworth prison. Mr Easton, who is acquainted with Miss Fairchild explains that money was tight and he took a job transporting risoners. The prisoner explains that all marshals handcuff themselves to their prisoners to keep them from getting away after Miss Fairchild takes a nervous glance at the handcuffs. The prisoner says that he hasn't had a drink and hasn't smoked all day. They leave Miss Fairchild to go into the smoking car.
Dickinson’s infatuated with Death Emily Dickinson is well known due to the fact that she uses an immense amount of death in her poetry she is also known as being reclusive and death obsessed