I have the aspiration to be a singer one day:)
Answer: Monitoring the patient to see the intensity and duration of the contractions.
When a woman is pregnant not only with joy is filled but also with fears and doubts since she does not know how her process will be at the time of giving birth. Every day many women around the world get pregnant and manage to have a delivery without complications, but there are also many who before, during or after childbirth can experience certain processes that can hinder the part and endanger the life of both the mother and the creature that carries in the womb.
In the process of a woman giving birth, she may face certain situations that may or may not aggravate childbirth, this is the case of the woman who presents a hypotonic uterine dysfunction, which is defined as a slow labor process. This condition is characterized by weak or infrequent contractions of the uterus. The causes for which hypotonic uterine dysfunction is given may be due to hasty delivery, use of halogenated anesthetics, fibroids or uterine fatigue due to prolonged labor.
When a woman is diagnosed with hypotonic uterine dysfunction, it is important to take some steps to speed up labor. Some of these may be with performing a bimanual uterine massage, where the uterus is massaged intermittently downwards from the abdomen with one hand and upwards from the vagina with another hand.
Oxytocin is also applied, a hormone considered the first drug for these types of cases. After the person has been given oxytocin, it is important to keep track to see how contractions occur and how often. The importance of monitoring will allow the identification of other causes for which even the contractions do not increase and thus be able to make a faster intervention.
The clinical trial show efficacy and safety.
There are tests that are done to make sure that the drug, vaccine, etc. works. The effectivness is called efficacy. In order for a drug to be apporved it has to be safe and effective. If it fails this test, it is not approvable.
The Three leading causes of death, today in the United States, first is the Cardiovascular diseases or Heart disease, second in line is Cancer, while third in line is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary diseases or Chronic Lower Respiratory disease. There are around 610,000 deaths related to heart diseases every year in the U.S. There are around 564,000 deaths related to cancer every year in the U.S. While there are 147,000 deaths related to Chronic Lower Respiratory disease.