I think you refer here to Christianity as the new faith.
Christianity essentially accepts all of Judaim, but it adds the teachings of Jesus Christ on "top" of the teachings of Judaism. Judaism already had a belief in a Messiah to come and Christianity believes that this was the Messiah. So the Jews that accepted Jesus as the Messiah were no longer Jews, as Jews still wait for the Messiah.
The theory that explains prejudice and discrimination as a means of keeping workers divided, thus easier to control by the capitalist class, is the Marxian theory.
Marxist explain the conflict and war between capitalist(who earn profit) and worker ( who take wages).
Answer: Schemas
Rachel's situation fits in the memory concept of schemas. A schema can be defined as the framework that helps a person organize and interpret information.
Schemas can be very useful when a person needs to remember something, they are like that support or staff to continue with the process of interpretation to which people are subject through their experiences in the daily life.
While schemas can be positive they also have aspects that would not be so flattering. When a person relies on its schemas, it may be taking into account the interpretation it makes of each one, it is based on its ideas and the perceptions it has about the world and often does not look more objectively. Several psychologists have used the term schema in their work on learning. Piaget in his theory of cognitive development expresses that people adapt as they acquire information and change their schemes. That is to say, a person when it has an interpretation of something and then acquires more knowledge is prone to the schema-changing since its perception of the fact can change by having acquired more information.
The schemas that a person has many times do not change even having more information. It is easier for a child to change their schemas than for an adult. The adult, even knowing something, may not change because they may feel they are trying to change their thinking.
Schemas can be very positive and contribute to a better learning process, but the person must also have a more open attitude to assimilate opinions and information that often will not go along the same lines of their thoughts and ideas.
I think that it means that no matter how many times you win a fight, fighting is not an accomplishment. conquering and overpowering the enemy is how you could prove your skills. I'm not sure tho just what i think
7 slogans for you
Fighting for gender equality is not a responsibility for women only. The society should be held accountable for it too.
2. As long as there are words like gender floating around in society, there can be no real equality.
3. Why do we need gender roles when there are lip-smacking sushi rolls to enjoy?
4. It is not a matter of job or race or height. Every individual deserves to be treated well and treated right.
5. There is a ‘man’ in every ‘woman’, a ‘he’ in every ‘she’ and a ‘hero’ in every ‘heroine’. Give her an equal opportunity, and you will see the benefit with your own eyes.
6. Move ahead of stereotypical gender binaries. Look around, and there are a lot more than masculine and feminine. Build a society that gives an equal opportunity to all.
7. Treat every man and every woman as a human. Neither is superior nor better nor more intelligent nor more hard working.