There are three types of producers that live in estuaries: Macrophytes, which are large, multicellular algae also known as seaweed, and phytoplankton, which is the photosynthetic component of plankton consisting primarily of single celled bacteria.
Oh how I remember Quandale Dingle
Such magestic face, reminds me of pringles
Many goofy stories, he would tell
Oh how I remember his elegant smell
Shared many goofy memories, gone to the wind
In time we will see, how he dissappeared
So in the meanwhile, hey guys Quandale Dingle here.
An acrostic poem consists of lines that have first letters that form a certain word like in this case, osmosis.
Extreme, or severe weather are used interchangeably to describe weather that causes harm to people and/or property. Types of extreme weather include: Thunderstorm - a rain shower with lightning and thunder. ... Flash flooding - rapid flooding due to heavy amounts of rainfall in a short period of time.
Hope this helps!! :D
Less people would buy and the economy's health would go down.
No because the cell is already dead and it could not survive.