Insertion point is represented by blinking vertical line
Students who plagiarize or otherwise engage in academic dishonesty face serious consequences. Sanctions may include, but are not limited to, failure on an assignment, grade reduction or course failure, suspension, and possibly dismissal.
3- The code takes in an input, turns it into an integer and then multiplies it by 2 and prints it
Look- First, the code snippet asks for an input (int or float) as "Rawheight".
Aftewards, it converts the input into an integer numeral(if it was a float) and multiplies it by 2.
This processed value is, then, further transferred to the variable "double_height" and is thereafter rendered on the user's virtual screen.
D. It does not reflect any changes made in the document
A limited access is usually done by middle level and top level managers in an organisation to prevent other staff member to edit or make changes to confidential documents when they are out of the office, though the staff can read it, they can not make changes to it.
You can use the task manager to see what programs are currently running.