To prevent<span> the </span>risk<span> of </span>injury<span> from </span>slips<span>, </span>trips<span>, or </span>falls due<span> to </span>clutter<span>, </span>you should<span> organize </span>storage areas<span> and secure </span>cords<span> and </span><span>cables</span>
low-fat chocolate milk is a great option because after you exercise, your body starts replenishing its glycogen stores. post-workout snacks are supposed to help with restoring glycogen and build back muscle. That means you need two basic components: carbohydrates and protein. This is why chocolate milk gained a reputation as a cheap alternative to expensive protein drinks for athletes, especially weightlifters. It has plenty of carbs, both in the milk (lactose is a sugar) and in the chocolate syrup or mix you add in, plus it has protein from the dairy.
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