In many other democracies the system of awarding seats in the national legislature unlike in the United States is one of
1 single members district
2 intellectual merit alone
3 winners take all
4 virtual representation
5 proportional representation
When faced with a number of tight deadlines, Mandy Moore often delegates work collectively. Recently she chose some fairly experienced employees to work on a high-priority project. She was heartened to see that the selected group of employees was having numerous meetings and working hard. However, when she went to check on their progress at the halfway mark in the project schedule, she was shocked to see how little the team had done in the past three weeks. This scenario reflects social loafing.
Social loafing is the attitude of individuals, putting little or no effort t when they are part of a group. Because all members of the group are contributing to achieve a common goal, each member of the group contributes less than they would if they were individually responsible. This case was what Mandy Moore saw when she put up a team of fairly experienced employees. They might be thinking another member of the team has got their back.
Frankly, I think that the motives of the conquistador lies in their name. These men wanted to conquer "the other," that which was in front of them. They did not come in peaceful harmony. Their motives were to conquer and capture that which existed in their path to extolling their own glory, and that of nation in a secondary capacity. The Conquistador use of force through the military reveals that their motives were to control New lands and native populations.
Los estilos de vida sedentarios aumentan todas las causas de mortalidad, duplican el riesgo de enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes y obesidad, y aumentan los riesgos de cáncer de colon, presión arterial alta, osteoporosis, trastornos de lípidos, depresión y ansiedad.
espero que esto ayude
UCS = the car accident
UCR = anxiety (shaken up; tenses up)
CS = brake lights
CR = anxiety about brake lights
In classical conditioning, a new behavior is learned through the pairing of a strong stimulus with a previously neutral stimulus. UCS stands for unconditioned stimulus, UCR for unconditioned response, CS for conditioned stimulus, and CR for conditioned response.
In the passage, the UCR car accident becomes associate with a neutral stimulus, brake lights. Before the accident, brake lights did not cause any tensing up in Emily; they merely meant the car in front of her was slowing down. Because of the accident, brake lights took on a new meaning and began to cause her UCR anxiety. Now, a new behavior has been conditioned. CS brake lights have become a synonym for accident, causing CR anxiety.