Frank, member of a Germanic-speaking people who invaded the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century. Dominating present-day northern France, Belgium, and western Germany, the Franks established the most powerful Christian kingdom of early medieval western Europe. The name France (Francia) is derived from their name.
A. is the answer
door rhymes with store
bell rhymes with tell
The People's Republic of China has the largest diplomatic network in the world, representing the country's significant economic, commercial, political, cultural, and military links around the world. ... Until the 1970s, most countries in the world recognized the Republic of China instead of the People's Republic of China.
The cause of baby david's death was being crushed by pickup trucks.
The pickup truck came over tot he strolling father and baby after colliding with another car beforehand.
Witnessed testified that after hearing a loud bang and run toward the scene, they saw that the baby died instantly from the crash.