The heart/lung machine is necessary
when performing heart transplant surgery because during surgery, the actual
heart is stopped so the heart/lung machine acts as a substitute heart that supplies
oxygen and pumps blood to the body until the actual heart start functioning.
There are many receptors for thyroxine on different target cells (tissues), so its effect can be huge
Target cell for a certain hormone is a cell that have hormone receptor specific for that hormone. There are two main types of receptors on target cell:
- cell membrane receptors (also called trans membrane receptors)-usually for peptide hormones, such as insulin
- intracellular receptors (also called nuclear receptors)-usually for steroid hormones, such as testosterone.
Hormone binding to the receptor leads to the signal cascade within the cell, which results in cell response.
Receptors for thyroid hormones are nuclear receptors.
The base sequence that would be produced will be; will be </span>AUCCAUUGA.<span>
Transcription is the process by which RNA are synthesized from DNA molecules, by the enzyme RNA polymerase.
The process takes place in the nucleus of a cell and DNA acts as a primer for the process.
During the process; the corresponding base pairs are such that; A will correspond to T, while G will correspond to C. However in the RNA the nucleotide base Thyamine is replaced with nucleotide Uracil.</span>
<span>Blockage of the Cerebral Artery can reduce blood supply to the brain, causing a stroke (Ishcemic Stroke)
Blood is carried to the brain by two pair of arteries, i) The Internal Carotid arteries, ii) The Vertebral arteries.
Stroke is a neurovascular condition affecting blood vessels in the brain. There are two types of Stroke i) Ischemic Stroke ii) Hemorrhagic Stroke.
In Ischemic stroke occlusion of a cerebral artery causes the damage to brain tissue dependent on blood supply from the affected vessel</span>
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