In economics, the resource that encompasses the natural resources used in production
you should outline your goals: how do i spend my money; how much do I need to satisfy my goals.. how will i get the cash.. how long will it take to save the much risk am i willing to take when i invest...what conditions in the economy or in my life could change my investment goals... are my goals reasonable... am I willing to make sacrifices to save... what will happen if I do not meet my goals.. Just some questions to ask yourself.
The answer is: C) decrease; increase
Currency appreciation occurs when the value of one currency increases in relation to another currency. In this case, country A´s currency will gain value against the currency of countries B and C (C´s currency is pegged to B´s currency).
This means that products from country A will be more expensive than products from countries B and C, which should lower country A´s exports and increase its imports.
The computation the retained earning balance for dividend distribution is shown below:
= Retained earnings - retained earnings was restricted for plant expansion - restricted for bond repayments
= $18,000 - $3,000 - $1,000
= $14,000
Simply we deduct those items which affect the retained earnings balance.
All other information which is given is not relevant. Hence, ignored it