Charles Darwin
Natural selection, most famously proposed by Charles Darwin, states that when presented with an environmental challenge, some individuals in a species will develop adaptations to face these challenges. Successful individuals will be more likely to mate and their offspring will inherit these adaptive traits, and will continue to pass for generations.
In this sense, plants face the challenge of the cold. Those that adapt to the cold will survive and reproduce, those that can't adapt to the cold will die. Eventually, only plants that can tolerate the cold will survive.
are the plants food
the nutrients is the energy for the plant, they give the plant energy.
Fixed sample size:
In this fixed sample size the data is studied and checked in order to find a relationship. The benefits it is easy to produce, and with it less reliable outcomes can be given.
Sequential procedures:
→Sequential procedures helps while we are collecting the data.
→At an interim analysis, data collection can be stopped whenever the results are convincing enough to conclude an effect is present.
→Or otherwise the more data can be collected, or if needed the study can be terminated whenever it is extremely unlikely the predicted effect will be observed if data collection would be continued.
→In this two or more blocks of different sizes are prepared for testing.
→Pros being it provides better results and is less time taking, as we can stop once the relation is seen, con being it is difficult to perform.