The Bees find the required nectar in the flower by the "sight as well as the odor and also they receive buzz from the floral electric field".
The nectar are agent that are secreted for pollination, specifically cross-pollination. Bees land into or nearer to the flower. Once they landed they use their proboscis for identifying the nectar or to pick it up. Bees also receive a buzz from the flower's electric field. After sensing that electric field, bees can now identify whether the visit to the flower will be worth or not. As we already know, that bee buzz across the flower is the quest for nectar.
If 32 packed volume units of cells are separated from 46 volume units of plasma from a blood sample, the hematocrit is <u>41,02%</u> percent. The hematocrit value is <u>within the normal</u> range.
Hematocrit (or packed cell volume -PCV-)is defined as the percentage of red blood cells (vol%) in a blood sample. One common method of determining it is by centrifuging a heparinized blood sample in a capillary tube at 10 000 RPM for five minutes. This separates the blood sample in two layers, formed elements (RBC and WBC) and Plasma.
The length of the layers is directly measured from the tube and represents the volume of packed cells and plasma. Since the number of white cells is negligible compared to the number of red cells, the formed elements are considered to represent the red blood cells.
The hematocrit can be calculated as the volume of packed cells divided by the total volume of the blood sample.

<u>In the question:</u>
= 41,02%
In humans the normal hematocrit range is 40,7% to 50,3% for men and 36,1% to 44,3%. Taking these reference values into consideration, this sample is within the normal range.
I hope you have a SUPER day!
By the end of meiosis, the resulting reproductive cells, or gametes, each have 23 genetically unique chromosomes. The overall process of meiosis produces four daughter cells from one single parent cell. Each daughter cell is haploid, because it has half the number of chromosomes as the original parent cell