Legitimate power.
Legitimate power is the type of one that is exercised by someone in a position of authority in the workplace.
The leader gives instructions based on his official office or title in the organisation.
I'm the given scenario where your superior tells you that they will offer you a raise if you perform additional work beyond the requirements of your job, he is stating conditions got a pay raise based on his position as your supervisor
The statement is: True.
Fruit thinning is the process by which farmers remove some of the fruits growing on a tree so that the remaining can grow bigger and better. This practice is usually performed during the spring and it is useful to prevent limbs to break due to excessive weight.
Class consciousness
Class consciousness is when someone is aware of his or her place within a social class. It is a situation whereby someone is aware of their social or economic class in comparison to others and in understanding the class such belongs to in the society. Class consciousness was an idea of Marxist theory a social thinker.
D.Is the right answer for sure