a. PGA down, RuBP up
RuBP, also known as Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate is a molecule that assist in he fixation of carbon dioxide in the Calvin Cycle or light independent reaction of photosynthesis.
RuBP is combined with carbon dioxide using the enzyme known as rubisco to form an short-lived intermediate product which divides to form two 3-carbon molecule structure known as 3-phosphoglycerate.
<em>If the concentration of carbon dioxide is suddenly reduced, it thus means that the rate of production of 3-phosphoglycerate will reduce as carbon dioxide becomes a limiting factor. Hence, 3-phosphoglycerate's concentration will reduce while more RuBP will become available as a result.</em>
The correct option is a.
Is an organism in its earliest stage of development. In humans, this is the stuff and defined as the developing organism from the fourth day after fertilization to end of the week. After that unborn baby is usually referred to as the fetus.
Acid reflux is a stomach acid that travels back up through the esophagus when the lower esophageal sphincter does not close properly following consumption of food. You get heart burns with acid reflux that’s why you should take Antacids. Antacid excess stomach acid to relieve heartburn, sour stomach, acid indigestion, and stomach upset. They can also be used to relieve the pain of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Alka-seltzer can also work because
When too much acid builds up in your stomach, it can feel upset. Alka-Seltzer is a "buffer" which keeps your stomach from being too acidic. This demonstration using bromphenol blue and vinegar, will show how Alka-Seltzer neutralizes stomach acid.
The process of RNA editing is the alteration of the sequence of nucleotides in the RNA after it has been transcribed from DNA, but before it is translated into a protein. RNA editing occurs by two distinct mechanisms:<em><u /><u>Substitution</u> <u>editing </u></em>and <u><em>Insertion/</em></u><em></em><u><em>deletion</em></u><em> <u>editing</u></em>.
<u><em>Substitution editing</em></u> is the chemical alteration of individual nucleotides. These alterations are catalyzed by enzymes that recognize a specific target sequence of nucleotides:
*Cytidine Deaminases that convert a C in the RNA to uracil.
*<em />adenosine deaminases that convert an A to inosine,which the ribosome translates as a G.<span>Thus a CAG codon</span><span> (for Gln) can be converted to a CGG codon (for Arg).
<em><u>*Insertion/deletion editing</u></em><em><u /></em><u /> is the insertion or deletion of nucleotides in an RNA.
These alterations are mediated by guide RNA molecules that base-pair as best they can with the RNA to be edited and serve as a template for the addition( or removal) in the target.</span>
The clinical manifestations should the nurse expect are reports of leg fatigue, tortuous veins in the legs and pain in lower extremities when standing.
In addition, leg fatigue is a communal clinical manifestation triggered by venous stasis and insufficient tissue oxygenation. The vein walls deteriorate and dilate causing distended, bulging veins that look tortuous and darkened. As vein walls weaken and dilate venous pressure increases and the valves turn out to be useless in which vein stasis and inadequate oxygenation end result is limb discomfort. The discolored toenails effect from a fungus below the nail or chronic hypoxia, not varicose veins, confined to a small area of heat in a calf is a mark of thrombophlebitis and reddened zones on a leg are symptomatic of thrombophlebitis.