It's A 3 the three are Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Yukon
Sunshine all around
Pouring raining days, but
Rainbows come offer the showers
I love to jump in the puddles splash
No school it’s vacation for a week
Green grass and pretty flowers
<span><span>Resulted in discouragement to search for psychological causes of mental illness.</span> Currently,
a therapeutic model based on the treatment of the disease has been
established, on the possible causes that originated the disease. <span>For
example, the cognitive-behavioral therapeutic approach focuses on
knowing the distorted thoughts that generate the patient's emotional
discomfort, leaving as something with little value the origin of this
distorted thought.
I hope my answer can help you.
acceptable in a group or society. Norms function to provide order and predictability in society. ... Norms can change according to the environment, situation, and culture in which they are found, and people's behavior will also change accordingly. Social norms may also change or be modified over time.