Mediation consists of an alternative dispute resolution method where a third party (neutral), known as a mediator, gets together with the parties in disagreement to help them come to an understanding that gives an end to the disagreement. Generally, mediators are experts (usually attorneys) and the state rules define who can fulfill this role.
Mary Shelley uses a multiple narrative in Frankenstein. A multiple narrative (sometimes referred to as an epistolary narrative) uses the voices of multiple characters within the text. Epistolary narratives can also use letters (such as Walton's four letters at the opening of the novel and the letters between the Frankenstein family) to detail parts of the plot and storyline.
The two men cannot communicate well because Joni is speaking Hebrew very fast and Sergei who comes from Russia cannot speak the language very well.
EVIDENCE lines 76-77 ( page 5): “He says all kinds of things, fast things. And it's hard for Sergei to follow; his Hebrew isn't so good''.
Some examples are “this” or “that”