D the lower the taxes(I searched it up)
If I was running a company, I would spend more time to work on training because the more your trained, the more you can make (Quality is also better if more trained). I would give days off because my workers won’t make as much if they are tired.
The term spillover refers to a market exchange that affects a third party who is outside or external to the exchange
- Exrpress understanding and explain why his/her demand is not acceptable.
When dealing with a <em>customer</em>, and you consider he/she is not rigth, you should be able to express your point of view in a respectful way but clearly preserving your rights. That is <em>assertiveness</em>.
You must confront him/her in a constructively way: make it clear why the claim is not correct or fair, even how it affects the your or the company's right: you undersant him/her but he/she must understand you too.
You should prevent the situation from escalating to greater proportions but you should not give in to unfair demands that involve a loss for the company.