within tectonic plates themselves
1 - The flow of the river may change as water is fed out into tributaries. 2- As a river flows it may etch out the river bed and create a gulley as it moves sediment and debris. 3- Depending on the speed of a stream it can form into a meandering river with twists and turns. What is interesting about these rivers is they actually move as debris is deposited on one side of the meander and picked up on the other. 4 - Depending on topography the river may increase in speed and give you rapids.
North Africa receives substantially less insolation than Sub-Saharan Africa.
North Africa receives less solar radiation from the sun as compared to Sub-Saharan Africa because north Africa is far from equator whereas the Sub-Saharan Africa is located near and on the equator zone. Those regions who are on the equator experience direct solar radiation of sun that leads to higher insolation as compared to areas which is far away from equator receives lower insolation so that's why North Africa have low insolation as compared to Sub-Saharan Africa.