Letter A. <u>Quality through constant innovation and quality assurance training.</u>
Alternative A is correct, as W. Edwards Deming was a pioneer scholar in the application of organizational quality management.
He was responsible for creating the 14 points, which are principles for management that will help the organization to achieve total quality. He was also responsible for popularizing the PDCA Cycle (PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT), which is a strategic tool widely used worldwide to ensure continuous improvement and the quality of processes and products.
- PLAN: define objectives, methods and resources.
- DO: Perform, educate and train.
- CHECK: Measure and evaluate
- ACT: act correctly.
Continuous improvement can be achieved through the correct and targeted use of the PDCA cycle towards organizational objectives. For Deming, without continuous improvement, there is no survival of the organization in the market, so he argues that continuous improvement must be implemented in all phases of the project, to achieve the benefits of continuous improvement of processes, increased productivity and reduced costs.
Reasons for shifting production to other countries John Deere is a global leader in the tractor market and its strategic objective is to expand rapidly outside of North America. One of the ways to expand globally is to make the product closer to the target market
Offshoring is the practice of a firm moving its service and production operations to a different nation. A corporation with American roots, John Deere is well recognised for assembling and producing agricultural tractors.
Samuel Allen, the company's CEO, predicts that Offshoring the company's tractor manufacture overseas will boost overall sales to $50 billion by 2018, with half of that amount coming from nations other than the US and Canada. Offshoring production would aid in growing the business to a worldwide scale in addition to boosting revenue.
Due to differences in time zones, the company's production processes and services would be available around the clock. The cost of manufacture would also be reduced by offshore tractor production.
The business would stop paying the costs of transporting tractors from the base production site to foreign nations. The need to exert more control, an effort to reduce risks, and a desire to concentrate on business development are some further justifications for outsourcing.
To learn more about offshoring here,
A and B are substitutes
Cross price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded of good A to changes in price of good B.
If cross price elasticity of demand is positive, it means that the goods are substitute goods.
Substitute goods are goods that can be used in place of another good.
If the cross-price elasticity is negative, it means that the goods are complementary goods.
No, Hines is not guilty of unlawful price descrimination
Hines actions has not meet the criteria for price discrimination which include giving different prices based on gender, race or religion and never prevented the resale of product and the product package for sale never indicated the inclusion of free demonstrator and free advertising material.