Ancient Indian civilizations had many different achievements. The most important is probably medicinine. One very popular ancient Indian medicine is known as Ayurveda. This involves many different herbs and the healing of body and mind. India is also known for being the first place to use algebra and even calculus, and also invented the number zero.
¿Qué te parece la forma de Gobierno Absolutista? Fundamenta.
La forma de gobierno absolutista es muy negativa para la mayoría de la población. Esto debido a que un gobernante con poder absoluto fácilmente puede cometer injusticias y arbitrariedades: puede hacer la ley a su antojo, juzgar a personas sin un juicio justo, y en general, controlar la vida de las personas de forma excesiva y contraproducente.
Si fueras parte del pueblo ¿estarías de acuerdo con que el Rey estuviera a cargo de todo? Fundamenta
No, un rey absoluto es un peligro inminente para la gente del común, por lo que se explicó arriba.
¿Crees que la población tuvo una actitud positiva frente al Rey absoluto? Fundamenta
Algunas personas históricamente tuvieron una opinión favorable de los reyes absolutos, en especial debido a que dicho poder era legitimado por la iglesia. No obstante, la mayoría de personas desconfían, por simple instinto de supervivencia, de un gobierno todo poderoso.
Indentured servitude in the Americas was first used by the Virginia Company in the early seventeenth century as a method for collateralising the debt finance for transporting people to its newfound British colonies.
A haiku is traditionally a Japanese poem consisting of three short lines that do not rhyme. The origins of haiku poems can be traced back as far as the 9th century.
A haiku is considered to be more than a type of poem; it is a way of looking at the physical world and seeing something deeper, like the very nature of existence. It should leave the reader with a strong feeling or impression. Take a look at the following examples of traditional and modern haiku poems to see what we mean.
Traditional Haiku
There were four master haiku poets from Japan, known as "the Great Four:" Matsuo Basho, Kobayashi Issa, Masaoka Shiki, and Yosa Buson. Their work is still the model for traditional haiku writing today. We have also included examples from Natsume Soseki here, a famed novelist and contemporary of Shiki, who also wrote haiku.
Reviewing examples of haiku poems is an excellent way to become familiar with this form of poetry and the sensory language it uses, and gain some inspiration.
In Japanese, there are five "moras" in the first and third line, and seven in the second, following the standard 5-7-5 structure of haiku. A mora is a sound unit, much like a syllable, but is not identical to it. This rhythm is often lost in translation, as not every English word has the same number of syllables, or moras, as its Japanese counterpart. For example, haiku has two syllables in English and in Japanese, it has three moras.
sorry if its too long i tried